
Foam glass (cellular glass) – is a rigid heat insulating material with closed-cell structure produced of  foamed glass.

 The main peculiarity of the NEOPORM® foam glass is a combination of the most important features of high quality heat insulation in one material: low heat conductivity, complete incombustibility, high durability, wide temperature range of application, low water absorption, chemical stability, long operating life.

The NEOPORM® foam glass   has been developed and patented by the ZAO  Company «STES-Vladimir» (Russia) and produced according to the internal  manufacturing methods in the city of Vladimir   (Russia).

All brands of the NEOPORM® foam glass possess the following features:

  • fire safety – it is complete incombustible(fire hazard class -  КМ 0);
  • life safety for men and environment -  its chemical composition has no toxic substances;
  • wide temperature range of application-the operating temperature of heat insulated surfaces in   contact with the NEOPORM® foam glass   is from - 196 Сº to + 485 Сº;
  • chemical inertness   - the NEOPORM® foam glass   possesses  high stability against chemically active reagents, it does not induce corrosion destruction of metals;
  • impermeability for all kinds of gases, vapor and fluids  (the NEOPORM® foam glass   ware do not absorb, transmit and store up water; they do not present any growth media for microorganisms, bacteria  and fungi);
  • rodent and insects safety;
  • durability - the NEOPORM® foam glass   operating life is about 100 years, which is comparable with the operating life of a building or structure – during all this time there is no need for capital repairs of heat insulation.
The features of the NEOPORM® foam glass do not change during operation.

Technical data of   the NEOPORM® foam glass brands

Data name the NEOPORM®foam glass index
Density brand D 130 D 150
Trading name Premium + Premium
Density, kg/m3 121-140 141-160
Compression strength, МPа, not less than 1,0 2,0
Water absorption at full submersion of specimen , %
volume, not more than
2 2
Heat conductivity at 25 ºС,W/(m·К),
not more than
0,050 0,055
Vapor permeability, mg/(m·h·Pа), not more than 0,0005 0,0005
Combustibility group НГ (imcombustible)
Fire hazard class КМ 0
Application temperature range, ºС -196…+485

Thermal conductivity - temperature diagram
Cellular glass NEOPORM® Brand D 130

Video presentation

Contact Information

Production, headquartered: 600031, Russia, Vladimir, Dobroselskaya st., 216
Phone: +7 (4922) 21-01-42
Fax: +7 (4922) 21-59-09


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